Sunday, January 22, 2012

Vive le Roi!

This post is going to be about kids' lit.  Really.  It is.  But first, I just have to share my post-South Carolina homage to Mr. Gingrich:

At least he's not a Mormon.
At least he's not a Jew.
Third go-round, he's a Catholic;
Guess that will have to do.

Macbeth provides the precedent.
The old becomes the new:
Weird creatures drop the "'I' of Newt"
Into the witches' brew.

Get it?  "I" of Newt, because he's such an incredible narcissist?  Okay...  Back on my meds now.  No more politics.  And when the new dance show "So You Think You Can Lead the Free World?" becomes the hottest thing on the Fox network, I won't even try to claim the credit.
   But what I REALLY want to tell you about is the 2012 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Awards Contest, which opens tomorrow, and which has a Young Adult Novel category.  Google it to get all the information.  I'm entering.  And if you, like me, have an unpub Y.A. novel just sitting there, you should enter too.  Why the hell not?  You don't have to be The Winner in order to benefit; if you make any of the cuts, you'll get at least a partial review out of the process.  I apologize for the short notice.  The contest runs until Feb. 5th, but I wouldn't advise waiting until then, because there's a cutoff after the 5,000th submission, and I suspect there may be a lot of us unpubs out there.  So, read the rules, and DO IT!  What have you got to lose?  And, by the way, if I haven't said this before: Join SCBWI.  Immediately.  It's an international organization, so it doesn't matter what country you live in.  Joining this group is a move you will never regret.  Unlike voting for ...   AAARRRGGGGHHHHH!  They're coming to take me away now....  Enter the contest!!!

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